Sunday, October 12, 2014

This thing on?

Ah yes...

Starting a blog...

How hard can it be?


Alright, I have it started. Now to write.


What the heck? Why is this so hard? I'm in London for crying out loud! I'm having a really cool experience EVERY DAY and yet, no posts. Why?

Cuz I'm having a really cool experience EVERY DAY and have no time left for writing posts! It seems either nothing is going on so you have nothing to write about, or something is going on and I have no time to write!

Plus I have homework for 4 classes plus my British Life and Culture class, so there is that too...

Not that I begrudge those classes AT ALL. I love these classes. That's pretty much why I'm here. Well, that and it's LONDON! But if they weren't these cool English and Theatre classes that also apply to my IGETC and Associate's Degree, I probably wouldn't have come on this trip. Which would have been a huge mistake.

I am loving it here in London! I was here once before, four years ago, but I've already spent over quadruple the amount of time here that I spent the AND I still have 8 weeks to go!

8 weeks. It seems like so much and yet, I have no idea where the past 2 weeks went. Did some mythical beast that feeds on time consume them? It's not like I wasted them. I have spent only two days not leaving the house and today I just fell asleep and took a 3 hour nap out of pure exhaustion! So where has it gone? They say that time flys when you are having fun, but they also say that so are wasting time when you are sitting around doing nothing. There is really no way to preserve time. But at least I'll be glad that I spent it like I have.

I'm sure I'll get around to posting about my actual experiences sooner or later, but for now, I'm really enjoying the ride.